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Snoring Appliances

Call/ Text: 404-605-0359

What is a Snoring Appliance?

Discover a peaceful night’s sleep with snoring appliances, also known as oral appliances or mandibular advancement devices. These non-invasive solutions effectively alleviate snoring and mild to moderate sleep apnea, offering relief for you and your loved ones.

Snoring occurs when relaxed tissues in the throat vibrate due to airflow during sleep. While occasional snoring is common, chronic snoring affects millions in the United States. Some may have underlying sleep apnea, a breathing disorder disrupting sleep patterns.

Several factors contribute to snoring:

  • Obstructed nasal passages
  • Relaxed throat and tongue muscles
  • Bulky throat tissue or elongated soft palate
  • Alcohol consumption and muscle relaxants
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Sleeping position

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To promote restful sleep, we recommend personalized dental appliances. These devices, worn at bedtime, resemble sports mouthguards or orthodontic retainers. They gently reposition the jaw, improving airflow and fostering peaceful slumber without invasive measures.

Say goodbye to restless nights and embrace the tranquility of uninterrupted sleep with our tailored snoring appliances.

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Call/Text: (404) 605-0359 today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Babo or schedule through our website below!
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New Location

We’re excited to announce that on June 2nd, 2025, we will be expanding to a bigger space with a bigger parking lot, all while remaining in the same neighborhood!

Stay tuned for more details